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HerpTrust project, tailored to the ERASMUS+ Horizontal Priorities for the environment and fight against climate change, aims to build outputs for the promotion of positive Human-Herpetofauna Interactions (HHI) while enabling citizen and professional stakeholders alike to participate in data collection that is currently lacking for many reptile and amphibian species, further contribution to their protection and management at a local level.

A total of 5 activities will be implemented through the HerpTrust project. Activity 1 will promote positive HHI through educational courses while activity 2 will give stakeholders the opportunity to engage in HHI using a web tool. The replicability e-package created during activity 3 will support positive HHI through a collection of additional resources and material. Activities 1-3 will be implemented in both Malta and Cyprus, and will be further promoted through two local Multiplier events.

The Cyprus Roadkill Observation System will be used for recording citizens’ and volunteers’ observations of dead wild fauna throughout the island’s road network. Data from these observations include the group of animals and the species identified as well as the exact (GPS) location, the date and time of recording, photos of the roadkill and any relevant additional information related to the species, the road or the traffic condition. A summary of the above information is publicly available on the CyROS database, for all roadkill recorded throughout the island. Data collected will be used to understand the factors which influence road kills, and the impacts of roads on fauna in general, as well as contribute to better infrastructure planning with a view to assist nature conservation objectives.

The Cyprus Herpetological Society has been a member of the European Board of Herpetological Societies (EBHS) since 2024, which is an initiative of the European Herpetological Association (Societas Europaea Herpetologica - SEH)

The purpose of the EBHS is to promote European Herpetological Societies and their activities, both to the scientific community and to the wider public, as well as the cooperation between them.

Herpetological Society of Cyprus (HSC) was established in 1990 with the aim of promoting, studying and conserving Cyprus’ herpetofauna. As part of its work, HSC fulfill presentations, educational seminars, studies and researches, along with other activities that relates with informing and educating the public about reptiles Cyprus.