Photo: Savvas Zotos

Green toad

Bufotes cypriensis

Class: Amphibia

Order: Anura

Family: Bufonidae




Medium size amphibian that can reach 12cm in body lenght. On the skin surface a lot of knop can be seen while the parotoid glands are well developed and stand out from the head. The dorsal and lateral areas of the body have gray to olive green color with many dark olive green and orange spots. The abdominal area usually has light gray coloration.

Basic biology:


Bufotes viridis is a nocturnal species that is active from sunset until dawn. During the day it remains hidden in protected positions (holes) in the ground or under rocks. Unlike the other two frog species situated on the island, the Green toad is quite resistant to prolonged drought. It is wide spread on the island without preference for specific habitat. Adults feed on ground invertebrates, mainly insects and tadpoles with algae and plant mater. Reproduction is carried out in standing water during spring and summer. Each female lays about 2,000 to 30,000 eggs which form gelatinous elongated filaments. Tadpoles are hatched from the eggs and remain in the pond until there transformation into adults during late summer. The tadpoles of the species are the largest in size tadpoles found in Cyprus.

Distribution at Cyprus:

From the coast to an altitude of 700m.

Global distribution:

Wide distribution throughout the Mediterranean region and in most of central and southern Europe while expanding to east and central Asia.



Protection status:


Map of confirmed presence:

Download the distribution of the species (kml format, Google Earth)