Photo: Savvas Zotos
Tree frog
Hyla savignyi
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anoura
Family: Hylidae

Small sized species with a body length not exceeding 4.5cm. It has smooth skin, the dorsal surface of which is green and the ventral surface has white/yellow coloration. The lateral surface of the body is traversed by a continuous dark stripe with white outline.
Basic biology:
It can be found in areas with medium height vegetation near stream and ponds. It prefers bushes of forest habitats. Adults feed with invertebrates, mainly insects and tadpoles with algae and plant mater. Reproduction takes place in standing water during the spring. Each female lays about 200 to 2,000 eggs that are released in parts. Tadpoles are hatched from the eggs and remain in the pond until there transformation into adults during late May.
Distribution at Cyprus:
From the coast to an altitude of 1600m.
Global distribution:
Cyprus, southeastern Turkey, eastern Mediterranean coast to Georgia and Iran. The Cyprus is the westernmost point of distribution.
Protection status:
Strictly protected by European directive 92/43/EC
Strictly protected by national law 153(I)2003
Map of confirmed presence:
Download the distribution of the species (kml format, Google Earth)